Dr Paul Constable
Senior lecturer
College of Nursing and Health Sciences

Dr Paul Constable studies optometry at the University of Melbourne before completing his doctorate at the City University of London investigating drug transporters in the outer retinal barrier. He began exploring visual function in autism spectrum disorder using psychophysics and electrophysiology and has led collaborative studies investigating retinal biomarkers using the electroretinogram in neurodevelopmental disorders. Currently the group is applying machine learning and artificial intelligence models to support identification of neurodevelopmental disorders. The group is also developing new medical devices that may translate to clinical practice to improve decision making with respect to medications in ADHD. Dr Constable is an associate editor of Documenta Ophthalmologica and guest editor for a Vision Research special issue on Neurodiversity and visual function. He is currently a Senior lecturer at Flinders University.

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South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311